LOOK 3402
- ♥♥ Skin: [the Skinnery] Esty (LeLutkaEVOX) toffee BBH@UBER
- ♥♥ Appliers: [the Skinnery] [theSkinnery] Bom Body - SLIM - Push-up toffee
- ♥♥ eyesbrows :[the Skinnery] [theSkinnery] LeLutka EVOX browshaper
- ♥♥ Shape :[the Skinnery] [the Skinnery] Esty (LeLutkaEVOXAvalon) Shape@UBER
- ♥♥ ears appliers : [the Skinnery] [theSkinnery] Ears (LeLutkaEvoX) toffee@UBER
- ♥♥ Head: LeLUTKA . / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
- you can used skins for lelutka evo when you press in hud button classic@ SkinFair March 12th
- ♥♥ ears: LeLUTKA / EARS / Avalon ELF (add) 3.0@ SkinFair March 12th
- ♥♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3
- ♥♥ Hair base:LeLUTKA LeLUTKA.EvoX.Hairbase.017
- ♥♥ Hair: tram G0616 hair / HUD-A
- ♥♥ Outfit: SPIRIT - Road jeans [Maitreya Lara]
- SPIRIT - Road top [Maitreya Lara]
- ♥♥ POSES: [ west end ] - After the Party Chair Prop C [rezz]@UBER
- [ west end ] [ west end ] Bento Poses - XOXO - Friends@UBER
- ♥♥ Backdrop : MINIMAL - March Group GIft 2021
♥♥ Skins: ::LV:. Geo Catwa BOM Applier 04 ,this skin included in the head Catwa hd Pro George@skin fair 2021 March 12th at 12 PM
♥♥ Appliers Body: Stray Dog - Signature Tone 04 - LIGHT HAIR
♥♥ Body: Signature [Signature] Gianni Body - Body (Default Neck) - v5.0
♥♥ Head: CATWA HEAD HDPRO George Earless v1.4@skin fair 2021 March 12th at 12 PM
box conten skin 2 tones, bom beards, hairbases,hud, and hud animations,have 3 heads CATWA HEAD HDPRO George Earless v1.4,CATWA HEAD HDPRO George NonBentoEar v1.4,CATWA HEAD HDPRO George BentoEar v1.4,~PACK~ CATWA HDPRO Attachments George,~PACK~ CATWA HDPRO BOM M,~PACK~ CATWA HDPRO Developers Kit George v1.0,~PACK~ CATWA HDPRO Gestures
♥♥ eyesbrows: CATWA CATWA HDPRO Shape Brows @skin fair 2021 March 12th at 12 PM
♥♥ shape: ::LV:. Geo Shape this included in the head Catwa hd Pro George@skin fair 2021 March 12th at 12 PM
♥♥ Ears: MALE [MANDALA]Stretched EARS-OMIMI-(wear Me to Unpack)!
♥♥ Hair Base: Not Found - Chann Hairbase Normal
♥♥ Outfit://Ascend// Sam Reg Fit Ripped Jeans - Light Blue
♥♥ Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Forseti Unisex Tattoo (wear me) (unpacked)