LOOK 2831

♥SKIN: RAONHAUSEN - Dua [LEL.Lake] Milk@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
♥APPLIERS: RAONHAUSEN - Deluxe body [Maitreya] Milk@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
SHAPE: RAONHAUSEN - Dua Shape@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
♥EYEBROWS: RAONHAUSEN - Dua brows@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon

♥HEAD: LeLUTKA. Head.Lake.1.1 (SL) (static ear)
♥OUTIFIT: BBK: Timeless Dress FatPack @VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
GLASSES: Ohemo - Dolly sunglasses  - FATPACK@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
♥POSES: :studiOneiro: BettyLou set /poses/ HUD@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
♥HAT:  Ohemo  Ohemo - Doris pillbox hat - FATPACK@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon

♥HAIR: KUNI - Leona (Style Plus)
♥TATTOO:  A.T PRIDE::MAITREYA 70%@VINTAGE FAIR 2020 Open to all at NOON on June 12th.
Close June 22nd at Noon
vintage fair 2020 have a @cam sim this year - complexity limit will not be enforced on that sim.  Here is the LM

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