LOOK 4494
- ♥♥ Skin: [the Skinnery] Rosie (CatwaHDPRO) brownie NB@C88
- ♥♥ Appliers: [the Skinnery] [theSkinnery] Bom Body - SLIM - Push-up brownie
- ♥♥ eyesbrows : [the Skinnery] [theSkinnery] Catwa HDPRO Eyebrow Shaper@C88
- ♥♥ Shape : [the Skinnery] [the Skinnery] Rosie (CatwaHDPROMajer) Shape@C88
- ♥♥ BROWS: A R T E - Maja Eyebrows FOR CATWA HD PRO
- ♥♥ Head: CATWACATWA HEAD HDPRO MajerSoft BentoEar v1.3
- ♥♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3
- ♥♥ Hair: NO MATCH_NO_CRADLE@ebento event
- ♥♥ Outfit: zOOm - Eva Blouse and Pants ADD ME to UNPACK! (unpacked)@ebento event
- ♥♥ Poses: Kokoro - HandBag 01 static Breathing + Holding Unisex|@ebento event
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