LOOK 4894
- ♥♥ skin: [the Skinnery] Marla (LeLutkaEVOX) mocca BBH@C88
- ♥♥ Appliers :[the Skinnery] Bom Body - SLIM - Push-up mocca
- ♥♥ EYELINER: [the Skinnery] Cat Eyeliner @C88
- ♥♥ shape:[the Skinnery] Marla (LeLutkaEVOXAvalon) Shape @C88
- ♥♥ brows: [the Skinnery] LeLutka EVOX browshaper
- ♥♥ CLEAVAGE: VELOUR Small Boobs Cleavage x Ipanema Size 03 (SUNKISS)
- The Small Boobs Cleavages comes in 3 different Sizes, so you can try and see what's the best for you!You wanna just a bit small your you want the smallest? Velour has all options for you!It's available for Legacy & Maitreya (work for both) and for Ebody Reborn in all Ipanema Skintones, for 149L each mesh body package.
- ♥♥ EYES: LeLUTKA / EYES / lel EvoX 3.1
- ♥♥ Head: LeLUTKA ./ HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.1
- ♥♥ hairbase: Tableau Vivant \\ leLutka EvoX Hairbase 13B
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