LOOK 3318
- ♥♥ Skin and appliers: amara beauty - Tayla beige - BR BROWS
- ♥♥ Shape : amara beauty - Tayla Shape - GENUS CLASSIC
- ♥♥ Eyesbrows: amara beauty - Tayla eyebrow shaper
- ♥♥ eyes: LAQ ~ Unrigged Mesh Eye - (Omega)
- ♥♥ Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001 - v1.7 - Mocap
- ♥♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3
- ♥♥ Marks: Guapa - Beauty Marks 2 and 3
- ♥♥ HairBase: PTNM - PTNM - "Laney" Hairbase 3
- ♥♥ Hair: : DOUX - Kiara hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK]
- ♥♥ Outfit : Envious - Naughty Girl (wear me)@Cupid Inc. Event opens 2/12/21
- ♥♥ Nails: -ALEX- Abigail Long bento nails oval Maitreya@ebento february
- ♥♥ Pose: [ west end ] Bento Poses - High on You - Couples Pose [add]@Exclusive for Dubai Event starting on 02.20.2021
- MEN:
- ♥♥ Skins: Clef de Peau .Sang Woo T3 Eyebrows/Scruff
- ♥♥ Appliers Body: Clef de Peau Clef de Peau.Body Tight T3 Soft Hair TanLine
- ♥♥ shape: Clef de Peau Clef de Peau.Sang Woo Shape (Kane)
- ♥♥ eyebrows:Clef de Peau Clef de Peau.Sang Woo Eyebrows Shape (Kane)
- ♥♥ Body: Signature [Signature] Gianni Body - Body (Default Neck) - v5.0
- ♥♥ Head: LeLUTKA LeLUTKA.Head.Kane.2.5
- ♥♥ Ears: Mandala Plug ( Hole - size- 1/l Stretched ears- omimi
- ♥♥ Hair Base: Not Found Not Found - Chann Hairbase Normal
- ♥♥ Hair: Dura-U105-HAIR-FAT PACK1:Male[left]
- ♥♥ Outfit: //Ascend/// /Ascend// Aiden Racer Leather Jacket - Sig Gianni
- //Ascend// Sam Reg Fit Ripped Jeans Sig Gianni
- ♥♥ Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Forseti Unisex Tattoo (wear me) (unpacked)
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