LOOK 4472
- ♥♥ Skin: [the Skinnery] Paige (LeLutkaEVOX) toffee BB@uber
- ♥♥ Appliers:
[the Skinnery] [theSkinnery] Bom Body - SLIM - Push-up toffee - ♥♥ Eyebrows : [theSkinnery] LeLutka EVOX browshaper@uber
- ♥♥ EYELINER: [theSkinnery] Eyeliner Set (LeLutkaEvoX) Group Gift
- ♥♥ Shape : [the Skinnery] Paige (LeLutkaEVOXAvalon) Shape
- @uber
- ♥♥ ears appliers : [theSkinnery] Ears (LeLutkaEvoX) toffee @uber
- ♥♥ Head: LeLUTKA . / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0 you can used skins for lelutka evo when you press in hud button classic
- ♥♥ ears: LeLUTKA / EARS / Avalon ELF (add) 3.0
- ♥♥ Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3
- ♥♥ Hair: Exile - Dani
- ♥♥ HairBase: Tableau Vivant \\ leLutka EvoX Hairbase 06 - 001@ Kustom9
- ♥♥ Outfit: adorsy - Maddie SET/NO HEELS@Kinky event, compatible with Maitreya/Legacy/Lara Petite!
- ♥♥ dog: [Black Bantam] *sigh* English Bulldog Right
- ♥♥ phone:Pose with accesorie : boutique 187 Here is the GACHA I made for EPIPHANY 🥰 All about teen age , skateboard and style 🧡 😊 I hope you gonna like it !Phone Sky*@epiphany
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